Cookie Policy

Last update: September 20, 2023

At FZ Bookkeeping, we value your privacy and strive to provide transparency regarding the use of cookies on our website. By continuing to browse our site, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy.

Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your device that help improve your browsing experience. They enable us to analyze website traffic, customize content, and serve targeted advertisements. We use both first-party and third-party cookies to optimize our services.

We may collect information such as your IP address, geographic location, device type, and browsing behavior for analytics purposes. This data helps us understand how visitors interact with our site and make necessary improvements.

You have the option to disable cookies through your browser settings if you prefer not to share this information. Please note that restricting cookies may affect the functionality of our website.

For any questions or concerns regarding our Cookie Policy, you can contact us at Your privacy is important to us, and we are committed to upholding the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards to safeguard your personal information